Without further delay, we present to you our orange Mate! Ahh! Just have a look at that picture! There is so much happening and all of it is representative of the orange mate! Action! Results! Risk! Change! Negotiator! Getting it done…all at the same time! Did I mention risk?!
In this series, we learn about people and their preferences using the True Colors Personality Profile Indicator. When I say preference, I mean every aspect of an individual’s life: preference in communication, love, expression, interaction, and more. While everyone’s personality includes a bit of each color, each person has a brighter representation of one color over others within the color spectrum. As mentioned in the previous blog, introversion and extroversion have a tremendous role to play in a person’s personality DNA.
Like each of the four colors, the orange mate is often misunderstood. Orange mates, especially when extroverted, are often perceived as having a deficit of attention as this mate has a high need for change. Daily routines are not attractive for this mate! Details stifle their need for the next adventure. Our orange mates work best by knowing what you want from them and providing them space to get it done their way!
As a kid, the orange mate was possibly perceived as being energetic, playful, charming, entertaining, a risk taker, and pushing the boundaries! As adults, they are pretty much the same way! The orange mate has extreme need for freedom and while they hate it, they thrive when provided balanced structure.
Want to learn about yourself, your colleagues, family, friends, board, and more? Contact The Marlo Companies to schedule your True Colors workshop. There are multiple options for your group. This fun and interactive personality profile yields high results in improving communication, reducing conflict, strengthening teams, and identifying career alignment.